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caproic acid

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.

keemiline ühend

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ZVG number
DSSTOX compound identifier
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID

teema nimetus kujul: caproic acid

NSC number
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID
Nikkaji ID
JSTOR topic ID (archived)
ECHA Substance Infocard ID
PDB structure ID
NMRShiftDB structure ID
CAMEO Chemicals ID
Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) ID
Probes And Drugs ID
Reaxys registry number
PubChem CID
UniChem compound ID
PDB ligand ID
PesticideInfo chemical ID
OpenAlex ID
Vietherb metabolite ID
Cannabis Database ID
Gmelin number
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID
DSSTox substance ID
MassBank accession ID
CosIng number
FL number
Foundational Model of Anatomy ID

teema nimetus kujul: Caproic acid

Microsoft Academic ID
NE.se ID
EC number
Wolfram Language entity code
JECFA number
ChemSpider ID
JECFA database ID
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)
Human Metabolome Database ID

mapping relation type: täpne vaste

CAS Registry Number

üksikjuht nähtusest

type of chemical entity

mille alamklass

straight chain fatty acids

keemiline struktuur


116,084 aatommassiühik[32]

chemical formula


canonical SMILES


ionization energy

10,12 elektronvolt[33]

järjekorranumber: 1


−4 Celsiuse skaala[34]
−3 Celsiuse skaala[33]


205,25 Celsiuse skaala[33]

rõhk: 101,325 kilopascal

safety classification and labelling

NFPA 704: Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response

NFPA Health: 3

NFPA Fire: 1

NFPA Instability: 0

found in taxon

Artemisia xerophytica[35]
Rhododendron mucronulatum[37]
Deschampsia antarctica[38]
Serenoa repens[39][40][41]
Syagrus romanzoffiana[39]
Sabal minor[39]
snap bean[42]
Philadelphia fleabane[43]
Quercus agrifolia[44]
Daphne odora[45]
Actaea simplex[47]
Cimicifuga simplex[47]
Saussurea involucrata[48]
Truncocolumella citrina[49]
Plumeria rubra[50]
Freesia hybrida[51]
Geum heterocarpum[53]
Polygala senega[54]
Capsicum annuum var. annuum[58]
Canarium album[61]
Haploclathra leiantha[65]
Haploclathra paniculata[66]
Lactuca saligna[67]
lõhnav pelargoon[69]
Trifolium alexandrinum[68]
Homo sapiens[70][71]
Oecophylla smaragdina[73][74]
Euphorbia tithymaloides[76]
Hypericum gentianoides[77]
Viburnum prunifolium[78]
Datura alba[82]
Rosmarinus officinalis[83]
Delphinium staphisagria[84]
Annona muricata[93]
Garcinia dulcis[95]
Magnolia obovata[99]
Chrozophora verbascifolia[100]
Staphisagria macrosperma[84]
Chrozophora tinctoria[100]
Chrozophora obliqua[100]
Cyperus erectus[101]
Datura metel[82]
Hypericum japonicum[77]
Datura leichhardtii[82]
Rhododendron sichotense[37]
Chrozophora plicata[100]

kirjeldatud allikas

Ottův slovník naučný[106]

seotud teemaga: Q52180815

koosseisu osa

Commonsi kategooria

Caproic acid


  1. 1,0 1,1 ChEMBL, 19. november 2016, inglise keel, HEXANOATE, CHEMBL14184
  2. ECHA Substance Infocard database, 27. detsember 2018, 100.005.046, Hexanoic acid, CAS no.: 142-62-1
  3. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 3N8M, 3N8M
  4. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 4I4C, 4I4C
  5. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 4KVS, 4KVS
  6. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 4KVR, 4KVR
  7. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 4GVU, 4GVU
  8. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 2IQ0, 2IQ0
  9. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 4RPM, 4RPM
  10. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 2IX4, 2IX4
  11. Protein Data Bank, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 2IWZ, 2IWZ
  12. 12,0 12,1 12,2 12,3 12,4 12,5 12,6 FUZZWVXGSFPDMH-UHFFFAOYSA-N, InChIKey
  13. Freebase Data Dumps, 28. oktoober 2013
  14. 14,0 14,1 ChEBI, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, hexanoic acid, 30776
  15. 15,0 15,1 15,2 15,3 15,4 PubChem, 19. november 2016, inglise keel, 8892, HEXANOIC ACID
  16. UniChem
  17. 17,0 17,1 OpenAlex, 26. jaanuar 2022, https://docs.openalex.org/download-snapshot/snapshot-data-format
  18. ChEBI release 2020-09-01
  19. Cannabis Database
  20. 20,0 20,1 20,2 Global Substance Registration System, 19. november 2016, inglise keel, caproic acid, 1F8SN134MX
  21. Mapping file of InChIStrings, InChIKeys and DTXSIDs for the EPA CompTox Dashboard
  22. CosIng database, 28. detsember 2019, 74804, CAPROIC ACID, CAS no.: 142-62-1
  23. EFSA database, 23. jaanuar 2021, CAS no.: 142-62-1, 08.009
  24. 24,0 24,1 24,2 inferred from InChIKey
  25. Foundational Model of Anatomy, 1. august 2019
  26. UMLS 2023, 13. juuni 2023, inferred by common FMA mappings on source and on Wikidata
  27. Evaluations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), 13. mai 2021
  28. ChemSpider, 19. november 2016, inglise keel, 8552, 1-Hexanoic acid
  29. International Chemical Identifier, InChI=1S/C6H12O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6(7)8/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)
  30. CAS Common Chemistry, 10. aprill 2021, FUZZWVXGSFPDMH-UHFFFAOYSA-N, https://commonchemistry.cas.org/detail?cas_rn=142-62-1
  31. Hazardous Substances Data Bank, 10. mai 2021, 28. oktoober 2019, HEXANOIC ACID, 6813
  32. PubChem, 19. oktoober 2016, inglise keel, 8892, HEXANOIC ACID
  33. 33,0 33,1 33,2 Basic laboratory and industrial chemicals: A CRC quick reference handbook
  34. Jean-Claude Bradley Open Melting Point Dataset
  35. Chemical composition of the essential oils of mongolian wormwoods Artemisia xerophytica and A. xantaphora
  36. Studies on the Constituents of Tussilago farfara L. I. On the Components of the Essential Oil
  37. 37,0 37,1 Monocarboxylic acids of the essential oils ofRhododendron mucronulatum andRh. sichotense
  38. Lipid content in leaves of Deschampsia antarctica from the maritime antarctic
  39. 39,0 39,1 39,2 Systematic Investigation on Quality Management of Saw Palmetto Products
  40. Simultaneous quantitation of lauric acid and ethyl laureate in Sabal serrulata by capillary gas chromatography and derivatisation with trimethyl sulphoniumhydroxide
  41. Supercritical extraction of herbs I: Saw Palmetto, St John's Wort, Kava Root, and Echinacea
  42. Lipids and Saponins ofPhaseolus coccineus
  43. The constituents of the essential oil from Erigeron philadelphicus.
  44. Volatile components of california live oak, quercus agrifolia
  45. Volatile components of zinchoge flower (Daphne odora Thunb.).
  46. 46,0 46,1 46,2 Glycosidically bound aroma compounds in the fruits of Prunus species: apricot (P. armeniaca, L.), peach (P. persica, L.), yellow plum (P. domestica, L. ssp. syriaca)
  47. 47,0 47,1 Composition of the essential oil of rootstock from Cimicifuga simplex.
  48. Components of the Essential Oil of Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) ex Maxim
  49. Hexanoic acid and phenylacetaldehyde in the false truffle, Truncocolumella citrina
  50. Volatile components of plumeria flowers. Part 2.1 Plumeria rubra L. cv. ‘Irma Bryan’
  51. The volatile constituents of freesia flower (Freesia hybrida Hort.).
  52. 52,0 52,1 Composition of essential oil of tall fescue
  53. Composition of the Root Oil ofOrthurus heterocarpus(Boiss.) Juz.
  54. Volatile compounds ofPolygala senega L. var.latifolia Torrey et Gray roots
  55. Volatile flavor components of licorice
  56. Volatile components of papaya (Carica papaya L.) with particular reference to glucosinolate products
  57. Free and glycosidically bound aroma compounds in hog plum (Spondias mombins L.)
  58. Comparison of batchwise and continuous steam distillation-solvent extraction recovery of volatiles from oleoresin capsicum, African type (Capsicum frutescens)
  59. The Constituents ofMelissa officinalisL. Cultures
  60. Secondary metabolites from Ganoderma lucidum and Spongiporus leucomallellus
  61. The Fatty Acid Composition of the Seed Oil of Canarium album Raeusch.
  62. Qualitative analysis of the odoriferous fraction of oakmoss (Evernia prunastri)
  63. Organic acids from fresh California strawberries
  64. Composition of Secondary Metabolites in Various Parts of 'Seolhyang' Strawberry Plants
  65. Leiaxanthone, A 1,3,5,6-tetraoxygenated xanthone from Haploclathra leiantha
  66. A 1,3,7,8-tetraoxygenated xanthone from haploclathra paniculata
  67. Triterpenes and Triterpene Esters from Lactuca Saligna
  68. 68,0 68,1 Surface lipids of Trifolium species
  69. Analysis of the acid fraction of reunion geranium oil (Pelargonium graveolens L'Her. ex Ait)
  70. Physiological and environmental parameters associated with mass spectrometry-based salivary metabolomic profiles
  71. Recon 2.2: from reconstruction to model of human metabolism
  72. Some Chemical Constituents of Morinda citrifolia
  73. Volatile constitutents of the green ant Oecophylla smaragdina.
  74. Volatile Constitutents of the Green Ant Oecophylla smaragdina
  75. Das fette Oel der Samen der Nachtkerze (Oenothera biennis) und über eine neue Linolensäure
  76. Antimicrobial and phytochemical studies on Pedilanthus tithymaloides
  77. 77,0 77,1 A Chemical Examination of the Volatile Oil of Sarothra Gentianoides L. and the Detection Therein of Normal Nonane1
  79. Nutritional Profile and Radical Scavenging Capacity of Tubers of Two <em>Dioscorea</em> Species
  80. Some antifungal components of diseased Blue Ribbon iris bulbs
  81. Diverse Phytochemicals and Bioactivities in the Ancient Fruit and Modern Functional Food Pomegranate (Punica granatum).
  82. 82,0 82,1 82,2 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der ölhaltigen Samen von Datura alba Nees
  83. Antioxidant Properties of Rosemary Oleoresin in Turkey Sausage
  84. 84,0 84,1 Composition and Biological Activity of the Fatty Seed Oil ofDelphinium Staphisagria— Note I
  85. Modeling Meets Metabolomics-The WormJam Consensus Model as Basis for Metabolic Studies in the Model Organism
  86. Volatiles from rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea L.
  87. Volatile components from mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars
  88. Glycosidically-bound aroma volatile compounds in the skin and pulp of ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit at different stages of maturity
  89. Maturity stage at harvest affects fruit ripening, quality and biosynthesis of aroma volatile compounds in ‘Kensington Pride’ mango
  90. Characteristic Aroma Components of the Volatile Oil of Yellow Keaw Mango Fruits Determined by Limited Odor Unit Method.
  91. Free and glycosidically bound aroma compounds in cherry (Prunus avium L.).
  92. Chemical characterisation and bioactive properties of Prunus avium L.: The widely studied fruits and the unexplored stems
  93. Equilibrium headspace analysis of volatile flavor compounds extracted from soursop (Annona muricata) using solid-phase microextraction
  94. Rapid Differentiation of Chinese Hops Varieties (Humulus lupulus) Using Volatile Fingerprinting by HS-SPME-GC-MS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis
  95. Volatile constituents of fruits of Garcinia dulcis Kurz. from Cuba
  96. Comparison of different extraction methods: steam distillation, simultaneous distillation and extraction and headspace co-distillation, used for the analysis of the volatile components in aged flue-cured tobacco leaves
  97. Metabolomic analysis of tomato seed germination
  98. GC-MS-olfactometric characterization of the most aroma-active components in a representative aromatic extract from Iranian saffron (Crocus sativus L.).
  99. Composition of the Bark Oil of Magnolia obovata Thunb.
  101. Volatile constituents of Kyllinga erectas
  102. A new Escherichia coli metabolic competency: growth on fatty acids by a novel anaerobic beta-oxidation pathway
  103. Two long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases from Arabidopsis thaliana involved in peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation
  104. Anti-oxidant activity of isolates from acid hydrolysates of Eucalyptus globulus wood
  105. Comparative analysis of chemical constituents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of ethylacetate extracts of Polygonum cuspidatum and its endophytic actinomycete, Streptomyces sp. A0916
  106. Q52180815