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protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens

üksikjuht nähtusest

mille alamklass

protein-coding gene[5]

found in taxon

Homo sapiens[1]


Alkaline phosphatase, biomineralization associated[6]

genetic association

adult hypophosphatasia[8]
infantile hypophosphatasia[9]


1. kromosoom[1]

genomic assembly: genome assembly GRCh38, Genome assembly GRCh37

strand orientation

forward strand[1]

genomic assembly: genome assembly GRCh38, Genome assembly GRCh37

genomic start


chromosome: 1. kromosoom

genomic assembly: Genome assembly GRCh37


chromosome: 1. kromosoom

genomic assembly: genome assembly GRCh38

genomic end


chromosome: 1. kromosoom

genomic assembly: Genome assembly GRCh37


chromosome: 1. kromosoom

genomic assembly: genome assembly GRCh38

cytogenetic location


HomoloGene ID


Gene Atlas image



found in taxon: koduhiir


found in taxon: rändrott


found in taxon: Danio rerio


found in taxon: Harilik äädikakärbes

expressed in

right adrenal gland[13]

järjekorranumber: 1

right adrenal cortex[13]

järjekorranumber: 2

left adrenal cortex[13]

järjekorranumber: 3

right lobe of liver[13]

järjekorranumber: 4

upper lobe of lung[13]

järjekorranumber: 5

upper lobe of left lung[13]

järjekorranumber: 6


järjekorranumber: 7


järjekorranumber: 8

right lung[13]

järjekorranumber: 9

lower lobe of lung[13]

järjekorranumber: 10


  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 ensembl Release 106, ENSG00000162551
  2. 2,00 2,01 2,02 2,03 2,04 2,05 2,06 2,07 2,08 2,09 2,10 2,11 NCBI Gene, 15. mai 2022, 249
  3. UMLS 2023, 15. juuni 2023, inferred by common HGNC mappings on source and on Wikidata
  4. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 19. august 2019
  5. Ensembl Release 87, ENSG00000162551
  6. UniProt, 6. juuli 2017, P05186
  7. Phenocarta, Investigation of single nucleotide polymorphisms and biological pathways associated with response to TNFα inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, https://gemma.msl.ubc.ca/phenotypes.html?phenotypeUrlId=DOID_7148&ncbiId=249, http://www.genome.gov/gwastudies/index.cfm?gene=ALPL, 25. mai 2020
  8. Open Targets Platform, 24. august 2023, https://platform.opentargets.org/evidence/ENSG00000162551/EFO_0021431, inferred from an Open Targets association score over 0.7
  9. Open Targets Platform, 24. august 2023, https://platform.opentargets.org/evidence/ENSG00000162551/EFO_0021797, inferred from an Open Targets association score over 0.7
  10. Open Targets Platform, 24. august 2023, https://platform.opentargets.org/evidence/ENSG00000162551/MONDO_0018570, inferred from an Open Targets association score over 0.7
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 HomoloGene build68, 37314
  12. 12,0 12,1 Orthologous MAtrix, https://omabrowser.org/oma/vps/P05186/
  13. 13,00 13,01 13,02 13,03 13,04 13,05 13,06 13,07 13,08 13,09 Bgee, 7. juuni 2024, https://www.bgee.org/gene/ENSG00000162551
  14. Identifiers.org, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/miriam/main/collections/MIR:00000069