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Arutelu:Viljandi koolitulistamine

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.
Allikas: Vikipeedia

Ei andnud püstolit ära, see oli tema ees laua peal.

English article[muuda lähteteksti]

Hi! Could anyone help by adding more information to the English version of the article on the English Wikipedia? As it is, only the most basic information has been added, mostly be me, but I see that the event is described in much more detail here. References are in Estonian, so I can't confidently use them as a source, not knowing any Estonian. Thanks in advance. Matkec (arutelu) 2. november 2014, kell 19:06 (EET)[vasta]

Hello Matkec!
I think that English Wikipedia article about Viljandi (Paalalinna kool) school shooting is informative!
Estonian Wikipedia article is based on description of events based on our local 'tides' - in some schools for example You can choose if You want to learn foreign languages in pairs - English-Russian, English-Swedish, Russian-German and so on... in Paalalinna school the 15 year old boy was learning German in German language group (5 pupils) and the shooting of a teacher took place during that lesson.
Police and emergency medical service were called and gathered to work and assist people in Paalalinna school. The schoolboys and - girls were evacuated to aula...
The shooter was hospitalized.
I'm not so sure about the relevance of describing Shooter's Dad workplaces and life habits...
Mariina 3. november 2014, kell 08:31 (EET) alias Простота

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Ma pööran selle tagasi, kuniks pole uusi viiteid. Andres (arutelu) 5. jaanuar 2015, kell 19:30 (EET)[vasta]

Artiklist eemaldati tulistaja nimi. Velirand (arutelu) 11. september 2015, kell 13:43 (EEST)[vasta]

Pidigi eemaldama, sest seda ei avalikustata, või kui, siis on see ajakirjanduseetika rikkumine. Andres (arutelu) 11. september 2015, kell 16:11 (EEST)[vasta]
Nojah, eks see on siis avalik saladus. Velirand (arutelu) 11. september 2015, kell 16:18 (EEST)[vasta]
Jah, kuidagi nii. Andres (arutelu) 11. september 2015, kell 16:20 (EEST)[vasta]

Kuidas selle nimega siis nüüd on? Kas seda tohib avalikustada? Andres (arutelu) 26. september 2017, kell 23:42 (EEST)[vasta]