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Allikas: Vikipeedia

"Hiljuti avastatud uus SARS-i laadne viirus levib" 29. mai 2013 14:00,Toimetas Lauri Laugen, www.DELFI.ee

Hiljuti inimestel avastatud uus SARS-i taoline viirus MERS-CoV jätkab levimist. Kokku on üle maailma avastatud 49 haigusjuhtu, teatas maailma tervishoiuorganisatsioon WHOkolmapäeval. 49 haigusjuhust 27 on seni lõppenud surmaga. WHO andis viirusele hiljuti ka nime: Middle East respiratory symptom coronavirus (Lähis-Ida hingamisteede sümptomitega koroonaviirus, MERS-CoV). [1]....

Lauri Laugeni artikli kaudu pandud nimega mina väga paljut internetist ei leidnud küll aga leiab infot: "Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus" [2] ehk siis praeguseks sai haigus inimestel kirja : Lähis-Ida ägeda respiratoorse sündroomina. Mariina 19. juuni 2013, kell 13:08 (EEST)

Please Translate

[muuda lähteteksti]

Seisuga 9. septembri 2012, the Saudi government asked "elderly and chronically ill Muslims to avoid the hajj this year" and have restricted the numbers of people allowed into the country due to Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus.[1]

  1. "MERS virus claims three more lives in Saudi Arabia". AFP. September 7, 2013 8:42 PM. Vaadatud 8 September 2013. {{cite web}}: kontrolli kuupäeva väärtust: |date= (juhend)
Please translate and add to the article. Thank you. Geraldshields11 (arutelu) 11. september 2013, kell 21:36 (EEST)[vasta]
Hello Geraldshields11!
Thank You for sending us some up-to-date information concerning Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus illness in people of Saudi Arabia. So far as I have understood, from this news, that You have sent to us, You wish that we should incorporate this information into our Estonian Vikipeedia. This information has, at the moment, two dimensions:
1) Human side: Hajj [3] (in Estonian (Hadž) [4]) is some kind of religious duty that must be carried out by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so at least once in his or her lifetime.
2) Scientific story: On 13 February 2013, WHO stated "the risk of sustained person-to-person transmission appears to be very low." The cells MERS-CoV infects in the lungs only account for 20% of respiratory epithelial cells, so a large number of virions are likely needed to be inhaled to cause infection.[5]
I will try to translate (incorporate) the epidemiology table of MERS-CoV from English wikipedia, so people can find some additional information about pathogenicity of MERS-CoV in humans.
Mariina 12. september 2013, kell 07:51 (EEST) alias Простота
MERS-CoV poolt põhjustatava haigusliku seisundi kohta saab lugeda artiklist [6].
Mariina 12. september 2013, kell 12:16 (EEST) alias Простота
Thank you for adding the information to the Estoinan article. Dear fellow Wikipedia editors: I am improving the English language article about w:en: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Please, when you have free time, translate this article and add text to the English article. Thank you in advance. My best regards, Geraldshields11 (arutelu) 13. november 2013, kell 01:22 (EET)[vasta]
Hello Geraldshields11!
Article w:en: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus is built up (or written) differently then this article:
  • article MERS-CoV [7] contains some information about virus species Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus- as a causative agent for disease in humans and some animals;
  • but article: Lähis-Ida äge respiratoorne sündroom ehk MERS [8], contains some information about symptoms, epidemiology, pathogenicity causeb by virus species [9]
  • There is no need for me (us) to translate this article into :en, because all (almost, the only document in estonian is kind of laboratory id in our local medical system) the information in this article is (was) already in english. If You want some additional information, please read (check;look) following articles:
Mariina 13. november 2013, kell 08:03 (EET) alias Простота