Mine sisu juurde

Charles Anderson-Pelham, 2nd Earl of Yarborough

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.

British politician and earl (1809-1862)

Välised allikad

Geni.com profiili ID
The Peerage person ID

teema nimetus kujul: Charles Anderson Worsley Anderson-Pelham, 2nd Earl of Yarborough

Webb-site person ID
LBT person ID
TheyWorkForYou ID
genealogics.org person ID
WikiTree person ID

teema nimetus kujul: Charles 2nd Earl of Yarborough Anderson-Pelham (1809 - certain 1862)

Uppsala University Alvin ID
British Museum person or institution ID
Beamish peerage database person ID
UK National Archives ID
Prabook ID
RA Collections ID
History of Parliament ID
Hansard (1803–2005) ID
Rush Parliamentary Archive ID

üksikjuht nähtusest





järjekorranumber: 1


järjekorranumber: 2


järjekorranumber: 3




Earl of Yarborough


12. aprill 1809[3]


7. jaanuar 1862[3]


Charles Anderson-Pelham, 1st Earl of Yarborough


Henrietta Simpson[4]

vennad ja õed

George Anderson-Pelham[5]


Maria Adelaide Maude[6]

algusaeg: 19. detsember 1831


Charles Anderson-Pelham, 3rd Earl of Yarborough
Lady Sophia Anderson-Pelham[4]
Evelyn Anderson-Pelham[4]


briti inglise keel



briti inglise keel


member of the 14th Parliament of the United Kingdom[8]

valimisperiood: 14th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

lõppaeg: 5. september 1846

algusaeg: 29. juuni 1841

lõpu põhjus: succession to a peerage

valitud: 1841 United Kingdom general election

member of the 13th Parliament of the United Kingdom[9][8]

valimisperiood: 13th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

lõppaeg: 23. juuni 1841

algusaeg: 24. juuli 1837

lõpu põhjus: dissolution of parliament

valitud: 1837 United Kingdom general election

member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom[9][8]

valimisperiood: 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

lõppaeg: 17. juuli 1837

algusaeg: 6. jaanuar 1835

lõpu põhjus: dissolution of parliament

valitud: 1835 United Kingdom general election

member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom[9][8]

valimisperiood: 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

lõppaeg: 29. detsember 1834

algusaeg: 10. detsember 1832

lõpu põhjus: dissolution of parliament

valitud: 1832 United Kingdom general election

member of the House of Lords

algusaeg: 5. september 1846

lõpu põhjus: death in office

lõppaeg: 7. jaanuar 1862

member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom[8]

valimisperiood: 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: Lincolnshire

lõppaeg: 3. detsember 1832

algusaeg: 28. aprill 1831

lõpu põhjus: dissolution of parliament

valitud: 1831 United Kingdom general election

member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom[8]

valimisperiood: 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom

valimisringkond: Newtown

lõppaeg: 23. aprill 1831

algusaeg: 29. juuli 1830

lõpu põhjus: dissolution of parliament

valitud: 1830 United Kingdom general election

Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire

algusaeg: 13. veebruar 1857

lõppaeg: 7. jaanuar 1862

õppinud haridusasutuses

Eton College[10]


kandidatuur valimistes

1832 United Kingdom general election

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

1835 United Kingdom general election

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

1837 United Kingdom general election

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

1841 United Kingdom general election

valimisringkond: North Lincolnshire

1831 United Kingdom general election

valimisringkond: Lincolnshire

koht: 1


  1. Google Knowledge Graph
  2. 7. august 2020
  3. 3,0 3,1 The Peerage, p2159.htm#i21586, Charles Anderson Worsley Anderson-Pelham, 2nd Earl of Yarborough, 9. oktoober 2017
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 The Peerage
  5. George Anderson-Pelham
  6. p2159.htm#i21586, 7. august 2020
  7. Hansard 1803–2005, 22. aprill 2022, hon-charles-pelham
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,5 1820-1832/member/anderson-pelham-hon-charles-1809-1862, The History of Parliament
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Hansard 1803–2005
  10. http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1820-1832/member/anderson-pelham-hon-charles-1809-1862