Mine sisu juurde

Balaenoptera brydei

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.

species of mammal

Välised allikad

GBIF taxon ID
ASM Mammal Diversity Database ID
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID

teema nimetus kujul: Bryde’s whale

WoRMS-ID for taxa
BOLD Systems taxon ID
EUNIS ID for species
KBpedia ID
Encyclopedia of Life ID
Paleobiology Database taxon ID
Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID (old version)
Store norske leksikon ID
Naturbasen species ID
Fossilworksi ID taksonist
ADW taxon ID
SeaLifeBase ID
Open Tree of Life ID
New Zealand Organisms Register ID
Catalogue of Life ID

üksikjuht nähtusest


B. brydei[17]

teaduslik nimetus

Balaenoptera brydei[18][19]

taksoni autor: Ørjan Olsen

year of publication of scientific name for taxon: 1913

taksoni järk




Bryde's whale[21]

nimetatud ... järgi

Johan Bryde

taxon range map image

kirjeldatud allikas

Critter of the Week[21]

teose keel või nime keelsus: inglise keel

ilmumisaeg: 14. veebruar 2020

teema nimetus kujul: Bryde's whale

subjektil on roll


mis kuulub: Balaenoptera edeni brydei

diel cycle


size comparison diagram

relative to: inimene

Commonsi galerii

Balaenoptera brydei

Commonsi kategooria

Balaenoptera brydei


  1. Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 21. mai 2015
  2. World Register of Marine Species, 14. november 2014
  3. Barcode of Life Data Systems, 12. veebruar 2021
  4. European Nature Information System, 29. detsember 2018
  5. KBpedia, 9. juuli 2020
  6. Elu entsüklopeedia, 31. oktoober 2014
  7. Catalogue of Life in Taiwan, 22. august 2016
  8. Naturbasen
  9. NCBI Taxonomy, 13. november 2015
  10. Fossilworks, 13. mai 2015
  11. SeaLifeBase, 19. november 2018
  12. Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera, 3. juuni 2018
  13. Open Tree of Life reference taxonomy version 3.6, 25. märts 2024
  14. New Zealand Organisms Register, 27. jaanuar 2017
  15. 10.48580/DFPZ
  16. Integrated Taxonomic Information System, 6. november 2014
  17. inferred from taxon name
  18. 18,0 18,1 18,2 Integrated Taxonomic Information System, 5. august 2002, 19. september 2013
  19. On the External Characters and Biology of Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera brydei*), a new Rorqual from the Coast of South Africa, 1074, 31977277, liikide kirjeldamine
  20. Catalogue of Life in Taiwan, 385003, 16. november 2016
  21. 21,0 21,1 15. november 2020, https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018734195/critter-of-the-week-the-bryde-s-whale
  22. 10.17520/BIODS.2021520