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Arutelu:Rihards Muciņš

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

Järgnev jutt on postitaud IP-lt artiklilehele, kuhu see kindlasti ei kuulu

This entry is "mildly" incomplete,not to say complete rubbish. The CV published is ridiculous in the first place. Not to say that the selections of facts are kind of biased.
Thank you
Rihards Mucins
former Ambasador of Latvia to Estonia

Järgmised lisandused sama autori poolt

! Get straight your facts!
2)Is there a way to contribute for anon Estonian speaker?

Ning veel

DISCARIMER: Anyone who reads this should be aware of the dosmestic political context in Latvia in Fall 2007

I tried to find all available information from the Estonian sources. It is not quite coherent. There is no selection. What else should be said? Andres 28. detsember 2007, kell 13:12 (UTC)

Kas ta kuulub erakonda Uus Aeg. Andres 28. detsember 2007, kell 15:47 (UTC)

Kui see on küsimus, siis vastus oleks, et vähemalt läti internetiväljaannete andmeil küll. --Metsavend 28. detsember 2007, kell 18:41 (UTC)

Now this one does it for me! I think that generally writing articles about politicians is a good idea. This time it is totally wrong and unjust. For Havens' sake I have taken all the blame for this awful incident, basically I have destroyed my life, as I knew it! And now when I start seeking an appropriate job outside the Government, the first think they google about me is this page.

Artiklilehelt. Andres 2. jaanuar 2009, kell 21:31 (UTC)
Do they read Estonian? Any information here is available in other web sources. Andres 2. jaanuar 2009, kell 21:40 (UTC)

Välislingid tuleks läbi vaadata. Osa neist ei tööta. Andres 2. jaanuar 2009, kell 21:40 (UTC)

Ja võib-olla pole neid kõiki tarvis. Need võiks teha viideteks. Andres 2. jaanuar 2009, kell 21:43 (UTC)

Artiklist siia:

(sündinud 1968) on endine[viide?] Läti diplomaat
Viide? Should I send you a copy of my resignation paper myself? Or you are too lazy to search for references?
And additionally to that. Have you ever heard about civic legal procedures against attacks on personality, which is exactly what you do with this wiki entry? I do not know out of mere stubborness or utter stupidity. Nonetheless, you just DID it. So, either you take this entry away for reasons that I mentioned before or see you in Tallinn court. Or, maybe, Strasbourg, I have not decided yet.

--Epp 4. jaanuar 2009, kell 04:02 (UTC)

If I knew there were a more private way to communicate with you, I would have done that and would not paste any texts here. There was,a so called, umbrella revolution in Latvia more than a year ago. Where people stood against the government for its lies and corruption.I was a part of that. I was ambassador at the time,but I could not stand this government either. It was very difficult to represent Kalvitis government in Estonia for the way the Border agreement with Russia was handled or for the mere knowledge of knowing that you reside in a country with the same roots as Latvia,which has somehow managed to be different. So,I sometimes thought that I could hide myself in a bottle and really had a couple of beers too much, when I drove that car. BUT you should understand that the whole press leak happened only because Kalvitis PR people leaked it consciously and with an exact understanding that it will kill me. And now you reproduce it. And yes, google Rihards Mucins and you will find this entry as Nr.3 or 4. I don't think I deserve this.
I am sorry that we have not managed to find public sources about your leaving the diplomatic service. Your resignation paper couldn't substitute for that.
In order to contact us personally just create a user account for yourself and use the button "Saada sellele kasutajale e-mail" on the user page of the user you want to contact.
I think Estonian journalists would be interested in your account of what really happened. When the story gets published we'll add your account to this entry.
If this entry disappears then this one will be the first one. Don't you think our entry is better? Andres 4. jaanuar 2009, kell 10:04 (UTC)

Palun aidake artikli algusesse viidet lisada. Andres 4. jaanuar 2009, kell 10:04 (UTC)

Ta töötab endiselt Välisministeeriumis. Vaba foto saab siit või siit. --Metsavend 19. aprill 2011, kell 14:24 (EEST)

Kumbki foto pole piisavalt vaba.--WooteleF 19. aprill 2011, kell 17:44 (EEST)[vasta]

Hiljem on Muciņš juhib

Ma ei oska seda parandada. Andres 20. aprill 2011, kell 21:00 (EEST)[vasta]

Ta avas Kuressaares teist korda näituse, mis Tallinnas oli juba väljas olnud. Need asjad võiks kokku koondada. Andres 20. aprill 2011, kell 21:00 (EEST)[vasta]

[muuda lähteteksti]

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--MastiBot (arutelu) 7. juuli 2013, kell 01:21 (EEST)[vasta]