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History re-written[muuda lähteteksti]

Kepikõnni ajalugu on muutunud seoses uute ja seni teadmatute dokumenyide paljastumisega TULi arhiivis. Kepikõnd on saanud alguse 1979 M. Repo teosest, hilisemad autorid on paraku tegelenud plagiaatimisega. Tõestuseks võibvõtta ühendust Tul-i ajalehe peatoimetajaga, kellel on ligipääs nendele materjalidele. Materjale on võimalik ise uurida siit: http://tul.fi/Koulutus/Materiaalit/Vanhojamateriaaleja.aspx

Siin on midagi valesti. Andres (arutelu) 17. mai 2013, kell 13:57 (EEST)[vasta]
Oli jah. Keeli erinevaid, mida muutnud olen ja unustasin täiesti ära. Kuid plagiaadiga on paraku tegemist olnud jah. Marko Kantaneva on Mauri Repo kunagine õpilane. Lähiajal on sellest ilmumas ka ajalehe artikleid ja muud meedia kajastust. TUL teeb ka tõenäoliselt avaliku "statementi", mitte avalik on juba tehtud. (Kuna ei ole kõige pädevam Wiki tegija, siis tarvis oleks ka see pilt ((http://tul.fi/Koulutus/Materiaalit/Vanhojamateriaaleja/HiihdonpäävalmentajaMauriRepo.aspx) ülesse laadida. Aitäh!
Muu jutt on samaks jäetud, ainult nime, aastaarvu ja pealkirja on muudetud. Samuti tuleks ikkagi rääkida Kantanevaga seonduvast. Andres (arutelu) 17. mai 2013, kell 14:41 (EEST)[vasta]

Information about the article[muuda lähteteksti]

Hi, seeing as there was no Estonian version of the Nordic Walking article I had it translated into Estonian from the English variant. It should be rather similar to the original and hopefully moderators will come along to fix any grammatical errors shortly. Everything in the article has thus far been proven and discussed about in the English article and so I think there shouldn't be any referencing problems. I will continue watching this page and hope that any major edits will be notified or talked about here. Lastly I apologize for my little understanding of the Estonian language and I hope that this will cause no major disputes or mistranslations. Thanking everyone in advance, your fellow editor KMuuli (arutelu) 3. mai 2012, kell 21:56 (EEST). NB! I'm in Estonia right now, it's beautiful here.[vasta]

Artikkel vajab kõvasti läbitöötamist. --Karlakas (arutelu) 3. mai 2012, kell 21:59 (EEST)[vasta]

  • Thank you for an almoast instant reaction. Please contact me with anything you may need, I'll try to keep track of the articles development and hope I have contributed something to Estonia, in my small way. KMuuli (arutelu) 3. mai 2012, kell 22:02 (EEST)[vasta]

Pole ju pilti. Andres (arutelu) 24. juuli 2012, kell 14:55 (EEST)[vasta]

I notice the article is still marked as "Selles artiklis on õigekeele- või stiilivigu" which translates into "Need improvement grammatically basically" yes? If so then, could someone have a look at that. I did get it checked once already, I don't know if that was enough. If there's no response or no mistakes are found, the tag should be removed. Also if the "General edition tag" isn't explained, then that by wiki guidelines should be removed as well, or explained. I dare say the article still need citation and referencing. KMuuli (arutelu) 28. juuli 2012, kell 13:22 (EEST)[vasta]

Yes, citations are mostly lacking. Part of the text could also benefit from rephrasing, and some of it seems more suitable for Wikihow. To some extent, it might also be argued that in its current form, this article supports commercial interests of one particular author promoting his book and the enterprises selling a certain brand or version of walking accessories, while disparaging competitors. I won't say I entirely support this view, but it definitely can be seen as such. It would be better to avoid this kind of problems. --Oop (arutelu) 28. juuli 2012, kell 17:39 (EEST)[vasta]
<srtike>Agreed and agreed, you definitely have some point in what you're saying. The problem however is that, and I speak as someone who has taken the time to get acquainted, the nordic walking history is very - lets say shady. From the start up the sport/activity saw a lot of potential, part of which was ruined due to exactly that, commercialization. Now, unlike other sports, this is, if I'm correct, the first widely-spread sport in the world, that has an actual author. So whatever is mentioned here will to some extent always be advertising, since the author is alive. If he weren't it'd be a different situation entirely. Now I will say this, that I am not a competent "factual" writer, I'm a novelist in reality, so writing scientifically is very challenging for me. There is a very certain point of view that this article should be written from. The best analogy I can think of from the top of my head, would be to think of Marko like Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is a brand, a brand with a very long history and an original owner/creator who is long deceased, but a brand non-the-less. Marko is an author who has made an historically significant contribution to the world community (even though, thus far on a much smaller scale), but he is still alive and he is selling his products/education for a living. So in summary, the topic is very difficult and if someone is willing I'd be more then ready to help them create an even better version of this article. On another note, referencing this article is difficult as well as most of the referencing material is in Finnish, where the activity was invented. E.g a long document which proves Marko as the author of the sport is up in the Finnish Wikipedia (I'll also post it here: http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Tekijaenoikeus/tekijaenoikeusneuvosto/tekijaenoikeusneuvoston_lausunnot/2009/TN_2009_16.pdf)
To sum it up, I'm looking forward to any co-operation, your fellow editor KMuuli (arutelu) 29. juuli 2012, kell 19:24 (EEST)[vasta]
Actually, one of your resumes on a diff was incorrect ("The changed fact most definitely already has a reference. Check picture on the right please."). A picture of an advertisement does not prove that this advertisement made Nordic walking internationally reknown. If I put up a copy of an advertisement for a two-man band from Võru county, it does not prove this advertisement made them famous. It proves they have been advertised, at least once. (And, well, now there's no picture, too.) - This whole theme would be interesting to work at, if I ever had the time, but I'll see what I can do. My own interest in sport has always been, well, let's say "low", but I'm probably going to meet with several people working on sport history soon, so maybe they'll take an interest in this. We could definitely use a source or two written by someone else that Kantaneva. --Oop (arutelu) 1. august 2012, kell 07:52 (EEST)[vasta]

Mida tähendab "pakub tihedus hoidvat stressi luudele"? EKaukonen (arutelu) 5. veebruar 2020, kell 12:21 (EET)[vasta]