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Arutelu:Itaalia meistrivõistlused rahvusvahelises kabes

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

raamatu kaas http://www.amazon.it/Corso-completo-dama-Daniele-Bert%C3%A9/dp/8842532088 või ka itaalia viki ja ka veel paljud muud kohad... ehk siis õige peaks olema siiski Bertè.  • • • Kasutaja:Ahsoous • arutelu19. jaanuar 2016, kell 14:26 (EET)[vasta]

Ahsoous: the cover is a misprint, in the very page you linked the web text is always "Berté". I am Italian and I know the correct orthography of my language, I came to et.wikipedia just to give a positive contribution by correcting an error. Please watch the links I have added to the edit summary and check that the correct spelling is "Berté".

Interesting, but I'm not sure about that. I checked too much Italian websites about draughts and almost everywhere is written Bertè. BTW, when You say that correct is Berté, then why exists names as Loredana Bertè, Pierantonino Bertè etc. So please show me some trustable sources.  • • • Kasutaja:Ahsoous • arutelu21. jaanuar 2016, kell 18:59 (EET)[vasta]

Mmm... I don't know how I can explain it, but I'll try: Italians use always the grave accents for all vowels (A E I O U), but letter E can have in some cases the acute accent. For that reason, we Italians aren't well taught about accents at school, you have to know that most of use writes apostrophes in place of accents (really!) and not just in hand writing. Search Google for the following page, for example: "Portobuffole' : piccolo grande gioiello - Marcadoc"; you'll find apostrophes in place of accents not just after E but also after A. So, most of us are "ignorant" about the correct use of acute and grave accent over letter E. In the page I've linked when I corrected the spelling the digital text had only the version "Berté", it's difficult that an authoritative site such as Amazon commits errors about authors' names. Loredana Bertè has got another different spelling, perhaps because she was born in Southern Italy where final -è is more common also in pronunciation, while Daniele Berté was born in Northern Italy where -é is more common, but I can't be sure about the reason. There're 2 Italian towns with the same name, but one has an acute accent (Paré, Lomb.), the other has a grave accent (Parè, Ven.)... As you see it's a confused situation, but I'm sure that Daniele's surname is Berté (as I'm sure that Loredana's surname is Bertè). I've no reason to "vandalise" et.wikipedia with an uncorrect spelling, I'd just like to correct this error.