Pehme õigus
Pehme õigus (inglise keeles soft law) on õiguslikult mittesiduvate õigusinstrumentide kohta kasutatav termin, mida sageli kasutatakse nn "kõva õiguse" (hard law, õiguslikult siduvad kohustused ja vastutus) vastandmõistena.[1] Väljendit kasutatakse sageli Euroopa Liidu seadusjõudu mitteomavate nn poolõigusaktide kohta (juhised, soovitused, arvamused jne).
Pehmele õigusele on rajatud näiteks liikmesriikide vabatahtlikule koostööle tuginev "avatud kooskõlastusmeetod" (inglise keeles Open method of coordination).
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- ↑ Druzin, B. (2016). "Why does Soft Law have any Power anyway?". Asian Journal of International Law.
Muud allikad
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- Roberto Andorno, "The Invaluable Role of Soft Law in the Development of Universal Norms in Bioethics", paper at a Workshop jointly organized by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German UNESCO Commission, Berlin, 15 February 2007. Available at:
- Alan Boyle, "Some Reflections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft Law", International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 1999, vol. 48, n° 4, p. 901-913.
- C M Chinkin "The Challenge of Soft Law: Development and Change in International Law", 38 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 850 (1989)
- Christians, Allison (suvi 2007). "Hard Law & Soft Law". Wisconsin International Law Journal. 25 (2). SSRN 988782.
- Druzin, B. (2016). Why does Soft Law have any Power anyway?, "Asian Journal of International Law", 1-18.
- Matthias Goldmann, "We Need to Cut Off the Head of the King: Past, Present, and Future Approaches to International Soft Law," 25 Leiden J. Int'l Law 335-368 (2012), available at SSRN.
- Andrew T. Guzman & Timothy L. Meyer, "International Soft Law," 2 J. Legal Analysis 171 (2010), available at
- Hartmut Hillgenberg, "A Fresh Look at Soft Law", European Journal of International Law, 1999, n° 3, p. 499-515. Available at:
- Timothy L. Meyer, "Soft Law as Delegation, 32 Fordham Int'l L.J. 888 (2009), available at
- Gregory C. Shaffer & Mark A. Pollack, "Hard vs. Soft Law: Alternatives, Complements and Antagonists in International Governance, 93 Minnesota Law Review (forthcoming Jan. 2009), available at
- D Hodson and I Maher, ‘Soft Law and Sanctions: Economic Policy Co-ordination and Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact’ (2004) 11 JEPP 798
- OA Stefan, European Competition Soft Law in European Courts: A Matter of Hard Principles? (2008) 14(6) European Law Journal 753
- Régis Bismuth, Ph.D., ‘Improving the Accountability of Corporations for Violations of International Humanitarian Law through Soft Law Instruments ’ (2010)
- Edmondo Mostacci, La soft law nel sistema delle fonti: uno studio comparato, CEDAM, Padova 2008, ISBN 978-88-13-28652-1
- Le droit international, le droit européen et la hiérarchie des normes. Terry Olson, Paul Cassia. PUF. Mars 2006. ISBN 2-13-055494-6.