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Justin Humphreys

Allikas: Vikipeedia

Justin Humphreys on USA filosoof, Villanova Ülikooli õppejõud.

Ta on saanud magistrikraadi klassikalises filoloogias Reed College'ist ja doktorikraadi filosoofias The New Schoolist.


[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]
  • Husserl's Archaeology of Exact Science. – Husserl Studies, 2014, 30 (2), lk 101–127.
  • Abstraction and Diagrammatic Reasoning in Aristotle's Philosophy of Geometry. – Apeiron, 2017, 50 (2), lk 197–224.
  • Plato's Laughter. – Ancient Philosophy, 2018, 38 (1), lk 191–196.
  • Subconscious Inference in Peirce's Epistemology of Perception. – Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 2019, 55 (3), lk 326.
  • Aristotle. – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019
  • Aristotelian Imagination and Decaying Sense. – Social Imaginaries, 2019, 5 (1), lk 37–55.
  • Nature's Perfection: Aristotle and Descartes on Motion and Purpose. – Conatus, 2021, 6 (2).
  • koos Alison Ann Springle'iga. Anti-intellectualism, instructive representations, and the intentional action argument. – Synthese, (2021) (3–4), lk 7919–7955.


[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]