John Adams
John Coolidge Adams (sündinud 15. veebruaril 1947 Worcesteris Massachusettsi osariigis) on USA helilooja.
Ta on lapsepõlves õppinud klarnetit. Seejärel on ta õppinud Darmouthi kolledžis dirigeerimist ning Harvardi ülikoolis kompositsiooni David Del Tredici ja Roger Sessionsi juures. Aastail 1978–1985 oli ta San Francisco sümfooniaorkestri repertuaarinõunik.
- (1987) "Nixon Hiinas"
- (1991) "Klinghofferi surm"
- (1995) "I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky"
- (2000) "El Niño" (ooper-oratoorium)
- (2005) "Doctor Atomic"
- (2006) "A Flowering Tree"
- (1979) "Common Tones in Simple Time"
- (1980) "Harmonium"
- (1983) "Shaker Loops" (keelpilliorkestrile)
- (1985) "Harmonielehre"
- (1985) "The Chairman Dances"
- (1986) "Tromba Lontana"
- (1986) "Short Ride in a Fast Machine"
- (1988) "Fearful Symmetries"
- (1989) "Eros Piano"
- (1991) "El Dorado"
- (1993) Viiulikontsert
- (1995) "Lollapalooza"
- (1996) "Slonimsky's Earbox"
- (1997) "Century Rolls"
- (1998) "Naive and Sentimental Music"
- (2001) "Guide to Strange Places"
- (2002) "On the Transmigration of Souls"
- (2003) "My Father Knew Charles Ives"
- (2003) "The Dharma at Big Sur"
- (2007) "Doctor Atomic Symphony"
- (2009) "City Noir"
- (2010) "Absolute Jest"
- (1973) "Ktaadn"
- (1980) "Harmonium"
- (1991) "Choruses from The Death of Klinghoffer"
- (2002) "On the Transmigration of Souls"
- (2011) "The Gospel According to the Other Mary"
- (1987) "The Nixon Tapes"
- (1989) "The Wound-Dresser"
- (1970) Klaverikvintett
- (1978) "Shaker Loops"
- (1992) "Chamber Symphony"
- (1994) "John's Book of Alleged Dances"
- (1995) "Road Movies"
- (1996) "Gnarly Buttons"
- (2007) "Son of Chamber Symphony"
- (2007) "Fellow Traveler"
- (2008) Keelpillikvartett nr 2
- (1973) "American Standard"
- (1973) "Christian Zeal and Activity"
- (1975) "Grounding"
- (1982) "Grand Pianola Music"
- (1996) "Scratchband"
- (2001) "Nancy's Fancy"
- (1970) "Heavy Metal"
- (1976) "Studebaker Love Music"
- (1976) "Onyx"
- (1983) "Light Over Water"
- (1993) "Hoodoo Zephyr"
- (1977) "Phrygian Gates"
- (1977) "China Gates"
- (1996) "Hallelujah Junction"
- (2001) "American Berserk"
- (1982) "Matter of Heart"
- (1999?) "An American Tapestry"