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Nicaragua viipekeel

Allikas: Vikipeedia

Nicaragua viipekeel (hispaania Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense, lühend ISN) on Nicaragua kurtide kasutatav viipekeel, mis on tekkinud 1970. aastate lõpus ja 1980. aastate alguses Managuas kuulmispuudega koolilaste suhtlemise käigus.

Nicaragua viipekeel pakub keeleteadlastele huvi kui uue keele tekkimise juhtum.

  • Kegl, J. 2000. Is it soup yet? Or, When is it Language? In the Proceedings of the Child Language Seminar 1999. City University, London.
  • Kegl, J. 2002. Language Emergence in a Language-Ready Brain: Acquisition Issues. In Morgan, G. and Woll, B., Language Acquisition in Signed Languages. Cambridge University Press, lk 207-254.
  • Kegl, J. and G. Iwata. 1989. Lenguaje de Signos Nicaragüense: A Pidgin Sheds Light on the “Creole?” ASL. In Carlson, R., S. DeLancey, S. Gildea, D. Payne, and A. Saxena, (toim.). Proceedings of the Fourth Meetings of the Pacific Linguistics Conference. Eugene, Oregon: Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, lk 266-294.
  • Polich, S 1998. Social agency and deaf communities: A Nicaraguan case study. University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Senghas, R. J 1997. An 'unspeakable, unwriteable' language: Deaf identity, language & personhood among the first cohorts of Nicaraguan signers. University of Rochester, NY Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Shepard-Kegl, J.M. 2002. Teaching Literacy to Deaf Students in Nicaragua: A Common Sense Two-Step Approach. Yarmouth, ME: NSLP, Inc. (allalaaditav http://www.nslpinc.org/Download.html)