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Karabahhi Melikiriigid

Allikas: Vikipeedia

Karabahhi Melikiriigid

Խամսայի մելիքություններ
Valitsusvorm Monarhia
Religioon Armeenia ristiusk
Peamised keeled Armeenia
Eelnev Järgnev
Hatšeni Vürstiriik Venemaa Keisririik

Karabahhi Melikiriigid (ka Hamsa Melikiriigid (armeenia keeles Խամսայի մելիքություններ, Khamsayi melikutyunner)) olid armeenlaste valdused Mägi-Karabahhis ja selle ümbruses alates Hatšeni Vürstiriigi lõpust 17. sajandi alguses kuni selleni, kui Venemaa Keisririik rahvuslikud feodaalüksused 1822. aastal likvideeris.[1][2]

  1. Britannica:"In mountainous Karabakh a group of five Armenian maliks (princes) succeeded in conserving their autonomy and maintained a short period of independence (1722–30) during the struggle between Persia and Turkey at the beginning of the 18th century; despite the heroic resistance of the Armenian leader David Beg, the Turks occupied the region but were driven out by the Persians under the general Nādr Qolī Beg (from 1736-47, Nādir Shah) in 1735."
  2. Encyclopaedia of Islam. — Leiden: BRILL, 1986. — vol. 1. — p. 639-640:"The wars between the Ottomans and the Safawids were still to be fought on Armenian soil, and part of the Armenians of Adharbaydjan were later deported as a military security measure to Isfahan and elsewhere. Semi-autonomous seigniories survived, with varying fortunes, in the mountains of Karabagh, to the north of Adharbaydjan, but came to an end in the 18th century."