Mul ei õnnestunud intervikit lisada. Andres (arutelu) 25. september 2016, kell 20:09 (EEST)
Inglise viki ütleb, et Morchella conica on vananenud nimi ja tegelikult on tegu teiste liikidega. Adeliine 30. oktoober 2016, kell 17:29 (EET)
- Siis peaks kuhikmürkel olema en:Morchella elata.--Raamaturott (arutelu) 30. oktoober 2016, kell 17:49 (EET)
"Morchella conica is an old binomial name previously applied to species of fungi in the Morchellaceae family. It is one of three scientific names that had been commonly used to describe black morels, the others being M. angusticeps and M. elata. It was first introduced by mycologist Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1818,[1] as a superfluous name for the old taxon Morchella continua. According to Richard and colleagues, Fries’ sanctioning applies only at the subgeneric level and the name is illegitimate.[2] Throughout the years, the name M. conica has been invariably applied to many different species by different authors, and DNA analysis in 2014 revealed that morels identified as "M. conica" indeed belonged to Morchella deliciosa, Morchella purpurascens, Morchella tridentina, and Morchella vulgaris.[2]" - kui ladina nime on kasutatud nelja liigi kohta, kas siis leidub mõne pädeva mükoasutuse otsus, millisele neist eesti "kuhikmürkel" tegelikult vastab? See on ka Wikidatas tõsine probleem. Nt. ütleb, et Mirchella elata on hoopis hiidmürkel. -- 15. september 2018, kell 23:50 (EEST)